U.S. Power Center, LLC

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The Value of Wireless Lighting Control

In commercial buildings, lighting accounts for up to 40% of total energy cost. Reducing this energy consumption has become a major goal for building owners, governments, utilities and many other stakeholders. It’s no secret that replacing existing lights with more energy-efficient lighting sources (such as LED) is one of the ways to reduce this massive […]

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The DesignLights Consortium as ‘Big Brother’

Dear Reader: It should be comforting to the Facilities Manager to know that there is oversight being provided the manufacturers on the efficacy of each fixture manufactured, particularly those that stand to qualify for various rebates, tax credits and other forms of subsidies. This is provided by a non-profit organization known as DesignLights Consortium, which

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Reduce Your Burn Times; Reduce Your Energy Bills

Dear Reader: Some Facilities Managers are serious about squeezing the maximum amount of waste out of their systems – in this case their lighting systems – and converting it to profit. The more a lighting system is optimized, the more efficient it operates, and the more savings it generates, driven to his/her company’s bottom line.

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Every Thoughtful Controls Strategy Results in Less kWh Consumption

Dear Reader: There are two ways to lessen the kWh consumption of your lighting system: 1. install higher efficacy LED fixtures, and 2. include a control system. One (new fixtures) involves a smaller kW draw than your existing system, and the other (controls) results in less time the new fixture will be ‘on’ as compared

Every Thoughtful Controls Strategy Results in Less kWh Consumption Read More »

Lumens Don’t Matter. Delivered Lumens Do.

Dear Reader: Facilities Managers won’t be surprised when learning there is sometimes a surprise around what he/she thought they were reading from a specification sheet, and what they see in terms of performance in their plant. The science of lumens is susceptible to that, as manufacturers and Facilities Managers have no choice but to talk

Lumens Don’t Matter. Delivered Lumens Do. Read More »

Efficiency versus Efficacy .. What’s the Difference?

Dear Reader: If you were to read the literature, it seems the industry throws around two terms almost as if they were interchangeable – efficacy and efficiency – when, in fact, they mean two very different things. Efficacy is the measure of the overall lighting fixture, simply the amount of work it provides (lumens) divided

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Factor In the Value of Time with Internal Rate of Return

Dear Reader: Time has value. And as such, a part of the analysis as to what the quality of an LED lighting system investment would is to determine what the return on that investment would be over time. Because dollars invested today are not available for other investments once they’ve been deployed (spent) on a

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