U.S. Power Center, LLC

Pdf Post

How Much Electricity Converts to Lumens is a Fixture’s Power Factor

Dear Reader: One of the most important indicators of an LED lighting fixture’s energy efficiency is its Power Factor rating. While the meaning of this metric eludes some Facilities Managers, it’s really very simple as to what it means, and how it’s calculated. Power factor is the measure of how much electricity is actually being […]

How Much Electricity Converts to Lumens is a Fixture’s Power Factor Read More »

How Long an LED Fixture Can Practically Function: Rated Life

Dear Reader: We believe generally that the typical focus during an LED buyer’s due diligence is on what can be expected during the initial performance of a new lighting system – hoping that once installed, everyone will look up and ooh and aah – but with not enough importance placed on anticipated performance over the

How Long an LED Fixture Can Practically Function: Rated Life Read More »

Lumen Maintenance: How Well a Fixture Holds Its Output

Dear Reader: The buyer of a new LED lighting system engaged in her/his due diligence can be faced with a dizzying array of considerations, and in the interest of time, it’s important to – very early on – separate the noise from the key performance indicators inherent to each device, fixture or system. The operative

Lumen Maintenance: How Well a Fixture Holds Its Output Read More »

Fluorescent’s Mercury, a Cause of Damage to Children’s Nervous Systems

Dear Reader: Those fluorescent lamps you’re considering replacing with new LED are a toxic bomb, so we suggest you think carefully about their handling and disposition as you plan out your retrofit project. They’ve got to be handled properly, because improper handling puts your employees and their families – particularly young children – at risk.

Fluorescent’s Mercury, a Cause of Damage to Children’s Nervous Systems Read More »

LED’s Effect on Nitric Oxide, a Major Contributor to Respiratory Disease

Dear Reader: There are a myriad of reasons why our industrial lighting contracting company does what it does, including the altruistic purposes for which we ply our craft. The projects in which we engage inevitably result in energy reductions, which in turn has a positive impact on both human beings and the environment. The Nitric

LED’s Effect on Nitric Oxide, a Major Contributor to Respiratory Disease Read More »