Who We Are
We are an Energy Services Company, that Keeps Itself and its Clients at the Cutting Edge of Industrial Technologies, all Aimed at Providing Exceptional LED Illumination and Superb Control

To design, build, deploy and manage a suite of the most productive and admired industrial power performance technologies on earth.

To bend our clients’ energy cost curve, by combining superb industrial power systems with a world class fulfillment network and suite of digital tools.
To engage and assist the marketplace as developers of outstanding power-oriented content, platforms, and reach.
Our involvement typically results in a set of energy conservation and efficiency strategies, which includes a diagnosis of your environmental and financial situation, a guiding policy on what your organization intends to accomplish, and key initiatives or action plans for achieving your desired outcomes.
Program and Project Development
System Deployment and Commissioning
Funding and Subsidy Management
Warranty Administration
Program and Project Development
From the outset, we assist with your budgeting process by addressing your development costs with an eye toward relevance. We create and definitively answer questions about how your projects can be aggregated to reach scalable levels of investment and execution, while we prioritize energy efficiency initiatives that will meet and exceed your corporate hurdle rates.
System Deployment and Commissioning
Once you deploy your new or retrofitted systems, you will personally no longer have to manage them. At your option, we will continue to provide system monitoring ensuring optimal performance, just as you should expect from any of your building systems.
Funding and Subsidy Management
You lessen the cost of your energy programs as we foster investment vehicles that feed and grow your pool of conservation and efficiency initiatives—including utility cash rebates, third-party funding, federal and state grants, and tax credits. You no longer have to monitor or track their availability, since we do the work and report back to you as capital and potential ‘deals’ become available.
We are the touch point for any and all warranty needs relating to equipment installed by our contracting network or provided by us. By placing a single call to us, you, the building manager is then freed from any further administration, as we manage the warranty process from manufacturer to installing contractor.
What We Do
We Provide, Install, Commission, and Maximize the Performance of Your Next Industrial Power System
Quality Illumination
Never again will your employees be forced to handle their product under nasty, dim, putrid light that over-burdens their energy and dulls their brains. Unlike traditional fluorescent lights that flicker at an imperceptible level to the human eye, LEDs provide consistent, true illumination.
Power Equipment
There are 15 different types of energy-consuming systems in a typical manufacturing or food processing facility, and we sell them all. By investing in technologies and strategies that minimize energy waste and enhance resource utilization, manufacturers enjoy substantial operating savings. Energy-efficient building systems and machinery, smart automation, and innovative process design contribute to the optimization of energy consumption and reductions in associated costs, improving the overall financial health of the company.
Project Development
Our patented 7-step Project Development and Management Process translates to project efficiency, critical to a measure’s successful implementation. The determination of the fundamental planning components – scope, cost, objectives, and time – and the monitoring and response to necessary changes to processes and costs is squarely in our wheelhouse, from the time the initial decision is made until closeout.
Cost Savings
More efficiency, less consumption, and longer life equates to both short and long-term financial benefits. They can typically achieve energy savings of somewhere between 50% and 90%, and with the unit cost of energy on the continuing rise, the savings generated in a typical manufacturing or food processing facility are in the tens of thousands of dollars annually.
Performance Contracting
Performance contracting is based on the principle of management by contract rather than management by command. It is defined as a strategic and integrated approach to delivering sustained energy management success to organizations by improving the performance of the power systems put to work in them, and by developing the capabilities of teams and individuals who operate them. We offer these services in a variety of forms and operating agreements.
LEDs emit light in a specific direction, especially useful where focused illumination is required, such as task lighting. Think about it … if all the lumens produced are getting out of the fixture (unlike other lighting technologies), less wattage is required to deliver the lighting that you need, where you need it.
Design Flexibility
The fixtures and their lighting components come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, making them highly versatile and adaptable to different lighting needs – warehousing, manufacturing, assembly, shipping and offices. They can also be easily integrated with control systems, allowing for greater customization.
Instant Illumination
LEDs turn on instantly, unlike other systems that take time to warm up. This makes them ideal for use in applications where instant illumination is required, for example when paired with occupancy sensors in environments where forklifts or people are traversing through the plant. When the sensor detects infrared heat … boom! .. they’re on in a heartbeat.
Human Health Impacts
Quality lighting makes for happy people, and happy people are productive people. And if at the end of the day they’ll go home without being exhausted by what had previously been like looking through a snow storm with their high beams on, they’ll be more apt to return to work tomorrow, enthused and ready to produce your product.
Environmental Impacts
What’s in it for you is a better lighting system, at less money, for a lot of years. It’s very much like a Hallmark card, frankly, as it’s the gift that keeps on giving. What’s in it for all of us is your conscious, cooling impact on our planet, affectionately known as “Home”.
The Top 10 Reasons for Serious Energy Management:
Customer-Centric Attributes
- Improved Customer Alignment
- Stronger More Important Brand
- Sharpened Market Differentiation
Employee-Centric Attributes
- Improved Health
- Enhanced Pride and Authorship
- Increased Employee Rentention
Owner-Centric Attributes
- Increased Revenue
- Reduced Energy Consumption
- Decreased Recruiting Cost
- Increased Net Profit
But It's Really Simpler
Than That
Energy Consumption, Bending the Cost Curve
To Impact Reductions in Energy Consumption, Bending the Cost Curve
To Affect Reductions in Carbon Emissions,
Restoring and Preserving the Health of the Planet
To Affect Reductions in Carbon Emissions, Restoring and Preserving the Health of the Planet
About 20 percent of all greenhouse emissions are generated via everyday activities such as heating, cooling, cooking, lighting, and running appliances. Responsible building management reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and those reductions contribute to the preservation efforts required to keep our waterbodies and air clean.
To Enhance Your Corporate Image,
Improving Your Standing in the Marketplace
To Enhance Your Corporate Image, Improving Your Standing in the Marketplace
The perception that a company is socially responsible can be a differentiating point for customers. In order to be convincing, it must be a sincere, deeply-held component of the corporation’s culture. U.S. Power Center can integrate a successful environmental strategy into your corporation’s underlying culture and values. We assist you in the integration of environmental messaging into your marketing and core business strategies, and in doing so help elevate your organization above your competition.
To Improve the Well-Being of People, Improving
Their Comfort, Happiness and Productivity
To Improve the Well-Being of People, Improving Their Comfort, Happiness and Productivity
Air quality is essential for health. We take a step beyond just preserving, to continuously enhancing what has become progressively declining air quality. Dependent on outdoor air, the indoor environment has the added burden of toxins and gases emitted from materials and furnishings. Our monitoring and control will change this calculation, resulting in improved health and well-being. We favorably impact your occupants’ comfort, happiness and productivity, influenced by lighting and air quality, and quantity.